Al Harbi Group of Companies
Apex Professional Security Services established in 2017 and is a part of Al Harbi Group of companies’ renowned group in Dubai Owned by prominent businessman Mr. Mohamed Jaber Al Harbi in United Arab Emirates with Business ranging from:
Real Estate
Facilities Management
Filling Station
Driving Center
Information and Technology
Being a forward-thinking company, we understand that security brings value to different establishments. We have devised our own security and diplomacy team focused on driving strategic change to advance security and resilience in a way that addresses the recent challenges such as incident response, emergency communication, information sharing, and risk management. Apex Professional Security understands that the transition from bad of today to the potential of tomorrow happens, when we draft and design robust future plans. Our company has truly understood that we are here to offer peace of mind service to the clients. And being a trustworthy company, if something happens, we are here to respond and manage the situation. As a professional security agency, we know that we have a very important job of protecting our clientele. We exercise caution and hire people, who are mature and trustworthy. Our service goes above and beyond this matter. We believe that it is extremely important to hire and properly train the right persons for the job.

To provide High quality security solutions to delight expectation at a reasonable cost.

To become one of the top professional security services provider in UAE and provide integrated security solutions and ensure a safe and secured environment, for our clients, partners and wider community.

A – Adaptability
P – Professionalism
S – Safe (Safe environment)
S – Secure